rgeoda - R Library for Spatial Data Analysis
Provides spatial data analysis functionalities including Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, Spatial Cluster Detection and Clustering Analysis, Regionalization, etc. based on the C++ source code of 'GeoDa', which is an open-source software tool that serves as an introduction to spatial data analysis. The 'GeoDa' software and its documentation are available at <https://geodacenter.github.io>.
Last updated 5 days ago
7.85 score 73 stars 1 dependents 179 scripts 2.3k downloadsfastkmedoids - Faster K-Medoids Clustering Algorithms: FastPAM, FastCLARA, FastCLARANS
R wrappers of C++ implementation of Faster K-Medoids clustering algorithms (FastPAM, FastCLARA and FastCLARANS) proposed in Erich Schubert, Peter J. Rousseeuw 2019 <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-32047-8_16>.
Last updated 4 years ago
3.78 score 2 stars 2 dependents 3 scripts 380 downloads